Mechanical incompatibility between sony lens and camera body (FS7.FX6.70-200 2.8 GM2.18-110 4)
What is the issue between cameras and lens on Sony video products?
I have noticed difference on dimension between camera bodies and lens mount, especially with the bottom plate. These difference goes from +0.5mm to -1.5mm, so it’s a large 2mm différence that cannot be explained by mechanical building tolerances
Which lenses and video camera I have tested?
So far, I have been able to spot these differences in size with the new tele lens 70-200 f2.8 GM version 2, the FX6, the older FS7 mk2, and the amazing 18-110 Cine zoom.
None of these have the same distance between the optical center and the bottom plate or plate support.
It would be interesting to check if this issue shows on other Sony product such as this one for example.

Why this is important for video shooter?
For photographer, the collar on the heavy lens is usually the unique support point to the tripod. The camera body is lighter, so the camera hang out at the back of the lens. These gap do not seems important.
But in the video mode, camera and lense are usually mechanically locked together and one millimeter difference is a huge gap to fill.
I usually use a long plate to support both. If the lens gap is shorter, this is an easy fix under the lend support. You can see in my blog post how I do this.
But if the lens is higher than the body, it’s harder to fill the gap as adding some materials under the body may result on a unsecure locking.
This is not what I expect from a camera and lens combo that worth 10K USD !

Video to present the issue on sony video products.
Here is a video to explain and show the difference in size between different sony product. Some ar older as the FS7, but the brand new 70-200 f2.8 GM Mk II is also impacted. This is quite weird that Sony do not have a standard for this.
I have tried 4 product and all have differences. See it by yourself and try to explain this to me.
Let me know in the comment section if you also noticed such difference with other Sony video product and how did you fixed it without the help of huge cage and 15mm rods.