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Website SEO Increase ranking services

During these complicated times with a creative profession left with very little work; many professional are taking the opportunity to upgrade and polish their website.
Unfortunately, even if content is king, many technical issues on your web-page can negatively impact your SEO ranking. There are plenty of online tools that can help you and gives you an idea on what you should improve, but the how is still reserved to an elite. We are here to take this part out of your worries.

As for many passionate artists; these online tool results looks like gibberish text. It’s easy to post a picture online; but way more complicated to make it appear on Google for client to pick your site.
This is where we offer to help you.

As a production house doing video and photography; we understand your needs and offering a very simple offer.

You take care of creativity content, and...

We are fixing your technical SEO score!

These days; getting a better ranking under Google is the best way to keep job offers coming. Google have many criteria when it come to ranking a website and there is no way to know them. Still, a website with low SEO will be put behind one with higher rank. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization; It makes sure you are not left behind when Bing, Google or Baidu are displaying search results.
Let says that a client is looking for a wedding photographer in Singapore; It’s quite certain he may just hit this exact sentence under his favorite search engine.
If you website appear in the first pages; this is how you get the job offer!
Our offer is quite simple and will focus on the part you are not confident doing. The technical aspect of a website is everything that regular user don’t see, but bots and other crawling software will use to classify your website. They are constantly running across the web.This is what we offer to improve.
The overall SEO is based on the content and the way it displayed for these bots; We offer to work on this second aspect.

You choose how far you would like to go; we deliver

We like it simple!

At VisionRouge, we do not want to come with a complicated and opaque way of working. Our website rank boosting offer is quite simple and can be summarize with these few steps:

  • You check your own website ranking with free online tools already existing.
  • You contact us and choose how much you like these number to go up.
  • We already have a price offer per % increase, but we need to check a bit if this is accurate on your case.
  • We agree on time line and the aspect you would like us to work on. A exact percentage increase is decided together.
  • A 50% deposit is required at this stage.
  • We are working on our side; we can either connect directly to your hosting server or let you do it. We keep communicating with you with all advice and aspects we will work on it.

After reviewing our work and agree on the new ranking obtain with the same online tools, you need to process the outstanding balance.

100% refund policy.

Better website SEO ranking; risk free!

We need you to pay a deposit in order to start working on your website.
This money will be refund if we fail to increase your ranking as promised.
Yes; 100% back if we can’t get it right. (Except bank charges)

Our first step will be, of course to get a full backup of your website to put it as it is if you are not happy with our services.
Working with WordPress is even easier as we can do a “child them” to work on that will not touch your existing website.

The ranking tools we are using are not ours; so it’s like an external audit that is telling you the result. We do not use an obscure software you never heard of to claim result.

You can also come with your own dedicated ranking tool if you like.

Please check our rate offer below.

SEO Score services : Our pricing

1 % SEO rank increase

One step at the time

USD $35

per %

Full overall website ranking going up to 1% with one of the ranking tools of your choice

5 % SEO rank increase

To start somewhere

USD $150

per 5%

Full overall website ranking going up to 5% with one of the ranking tools of your choice

10 % SEO rank increase

The best seller

USD $300

per 10%

Full overall website score going 10 %up,
according to the ranking tool of your choice!

Price as reference only for a 10 page website under WordPress or similar.

Wordpress, Squarspace, Winx, HTML based...

Which website can be improve?

Most of websites can get better technical ranking. WordPress or simple HTML site often got a lot of design mistake, especially when buying a template.
With squarespace, it’s even worst as the deign is the priority, not the SEO score!

Of course, we will have first a look to your existing website to come with a reasonable offer.
It’s way harder the get a better ranking than 90% SEO compliant website, and easier to go from 50 to 70%.
We are confident working with php, html and hosting offers. Our job is to let you in control on the process.

If your website is hosted on a very slow server, we can fix the internal code, but more likely a new hosting will be your best move. We have experience there too and will be happy to direct you to the one we think is right for you. This is free audit of your website. We can, of course take care of the migration to a new server and help you getting this part solved.

The early bird gets the worm

How long does it take to improve my ranking?

Our job will start as audit of your website and will specify the amount of work and time we will need. This can be done overnight.
To be honest, a week should be fine to fix most of common SEO technical mistakes.
Google take usually about a month to check on it’s side where Bing is faster to react.

Don’t get mistaken; getting a better SEO ranking is a way to go up on Google search engine results. It is not an exact science and it depends on existing competition too. If only 3 websites compete with yours, getting on Google first page will be easier than if you facing thousand of competitors.

At each time, for each similar content, the one with best SEO will appear first.

To give a simple example; even with the exact same content; an older registered name will also go on higher rank than a brand new one.
So don’t loose time and fix your website issue now.
All takes time and what you are doing today will show it’s effectiveness for months and years to come!

Know yourself first!

What is my existing SEO rank score?

You can already search on Google for free online tools to gather numbers about your website.
Some of these website can only run the test once per 24 hours.
We suggest you few free tools that we like. This is step one on our offer!

All these links will open in a new window.
We do not have any agreement with these online ranking tools.

Get a free SEO pricing offer overnight.

Connect with us today!

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