Looking for a camera crew in Hong-Kong or China?
From a photographer in Hong Kong or a videographer in Xiamen, no project is too small or too big for us. Our camera crew is ready for you.
Each client is unique and we will be happy to answer your call. If it’s not easy but need to be done, you are one click away to get it solved.
We have been shooting all over China, providing video services in Hefei, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Nanjing and so on. We recently offer video service even in larger Asia with production work in Singapore, Hanoi, Kuala Lumpur… to ensure to our clients the same level of quality wherever they are located.
Do you want to get in touch with us?
We are one email awayLooking for a camera operator on A1 Shanghai race?
Feel free to contact us regarding your video project in China.
Or Email us directly:
(If you need to send links or files, to avoid the spam filter)
c o n t a c t @ v i s i o n r o u g e . n e t
Our Social media pages are right there:
Facebook – Twitter – Vimeo – Youtube – Instagram – Whatsapp
And if you are from last year tech; Call us in English or French at :
(mobile China) +86 139 1717 9321 (gmt +8) // Works for Wechat id.
(office China) +86 21 643 11 562 (English, French or Mandarin) from 10 am till 7pm (gmt +8)
(mobile Hong Kong) +852 676 257 10 (gmt +8) //Works for Whatsapp id.
And if you are from last century; Our physical address in Shanghai is:
No 134, Jianguo Rd,
LuWan District, 200020, Shanghai, P.R. China.
By Taxi: on JianGuo Road, between Shaanxi rd and RuiJin Er Rd
In Chinese: 上海市卢湾区建国西路134弄
By Subway: Dapuquiao Line 9, Exit 4, 10 minutes walk going north following RuiJin Er Road, turning left on JianGuo rd, (200m)
We have in house photographer in Hong Kong as well as a passion for traveling. Feel free to connect with us if you are more looking for a videographer in Xiamen.
VisionRouge; The one stop Video / photo agency in China.
All our camera crew members can speak English.